Paul Riddle
April 24, 2024
5 min read

Executive Summary

White Stuff, a renowned UK fashion retailer, sought to transform its customer experience with a seamless omnichannel approach.  Their existing systems created obstacles in synchronising product information, pricing, and order data across online and physical sales channels.

AbsoluteLabs introduced middleware solutions and a composable architecture to streamline White Stuff's technology landscape.

The MuleSoft integration connected key systems including Akeneo and Big Commerce promoting data flow and a unified customer view.

These changes enabled a frictionless omnichannel experience for White Stuff customers.

About White Stuff

White Stuff is a prominent UK-based fashion retailer established in 1985, with a strong presence in both the UK and Germany. The brand is known for its emphasis on quality, style, and a customer-centric approach.

Customer Challenge

White Stuff desired a truly omnichannel experience to bridge the gap between their online and brick-and-mortar stores.

Disparate systems, including Akeneo, BigCommerce, Azure DB, Navision, Bloomreach/Exponea, and Hermes, hindered streamlined management of product information, pricing, and order processes.

This fragmentation created friction points for customers moving between online and offline channels and limited White Stuff's ability to deliver a cohesive brand experience.

Why did they choose AbsoluteLabs?

White Stuff chose AbsoluteLabs due to their reputation for innovative solutions and expertise in integration technologies.

AbsoluteLabs recognised the value of middleware and composable architecture to optimise White Stuff's IT landscape, offering scalability and cost-efficiency.

Their ability to create a future-proof solution, enabling easy integration of new systems, aligned with White Stuff's growth aspirations.

AbsoluteLabs Solution

AbsoluteLabs deployed MuleSoft as the integration foundation, orchestrating seamless data exchange between Akeneo, BigCommerce, Azure DB, Navision, Bloomreach/Exponea, and Hermes.

This integration addressed critical business processes, ensuring consistent product information, pricing, and order management across all sales channels.

AbsoluteLabs adopted a composable architecture approach, empowering White Stuff with an adaptable, modular system ready to evolve with business needs.

API-led connectivity provides a sustainable framework for future integrations and expansions.

Results and Benefits

White Stuff achieved a unified omnichannel experience, eliminating friction points between online and offline shopping journeys.

Customers now enjoy a consistent and seamless view of products, pricing, and order statuses regardless of their preferred channel.

The enhanced integration leads to better customer data insights, potentially empowering more targeted marketing and personalisation efforts.

White Stuff benefits from a modernised, scalable IT infrastructure positioned for future growth and innovation.

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