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Our partnerships are built on a foundation of strategic alignment and shared goals. This approach ensures that our partner solutions perfectly complement our deep industry knowledge.  Our team's exceptional integration skills enable this seamless collaboration, ultimately delivering exceptional customer experiences.
Körber Supply Chain
Körber deliver software and automation solutions and the necessary expertise for seamless process and system integration of software components, equipment and agents along the complete supply chain.
NewStore, Inc. provides Omnichannel-as-a-Service for enterprise retail brands worldwide. Its mobile-first, modular cloud platform includes point of sale (POS), order management (OMS), inventory, store fulfillment, clienteling, and native consumer app solutions.
Salesforce is cloud-based CRM software. It makes it easier for companies to find more prospects, close more deals, and connect with customers in a whole new way, so they can provide them with amazing service at scale. Salesforce brings together all your data, from any source.
MuleSoft is a Salesforce company that provides numerous tools to build automations and integrations for various enterprise use cases. Its automation and integration tool is known as the Anypoint Platform.
Fluent Commerce
By providing real-time inventory information, Fluent Commerce allows retailers to have a complete overview of their inventory while providing more transparency to the end-user. For customers, this means they receive their orders faster and more efficiently.
Voyado is a SaaS company helping retail brands create hyper-relevant shopping experiences, increase customer loyalty, and drive business growth.
Talon. One allows enterprises to run loyalty programs based on points, memberships, and multi-tiered KPIs, personalise each incentive/reward per customer attribute, and utilise the earn and burn module to buyers' wallet spend.
Akeneo offers a PIM for retailers and distributors that helps them organise their product information, develop the right catalogs for their omnichannel strategy, and deliver compelling product experiences to support great customer experiences.
The Narvar platform allows retailers to extend their brand by post-purchasing from consideration to fulfillment, deliver real-time tracking information, engage customers with space to collect feedback, and provide relevant marketing and surface social content.
Kibo is the only composable commerce platform to simplify the complexities of delivering modern customer experiences that span Order Management, eCommerce, and Subscription technologies.
Nextail helps fashion retailers thrive and break down the barriers that prevent them from meeting customer demand across their points of sale by way of advanced, yet intuitive, AI and machine learning solutions.

Let's collaborate to unlock success within the Retail & Specialty sector.

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